5.2 Tag Detail
  • 29 Sep 2022
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5.2 Tag Detail

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Article summary

5.2 Tag Detail

Tags can be viewed and managed directly from the Side Navbar under 'Tags'.

5.2.1 Understanding the List Page

When looking at the Tag List page, there are details shown on the page that make it easy to establish the current state and status of each Tag.  Each row in the tag list, is the navigation link for the associated tag.  Item 1: Navigation

Sidebar Navigation location and touch target  Item 2: Status Badge

The status badge is updated based on the current state of the tag.  There are three (3) states of a tag.

  • Good: The tag is enabled, and is sending or receiving data without error
  • Disabled: The tag is disabled, and has been removed from the tag collection schedule
  • Error: The tag is enabled, but is experiencing an issue that is affecting the quality or reliability of the data.  This is usually tied to the associated device's status.

The status can also be checked in real-time by hovering over the status badge.  Item 3: Filter Options

The tag list scalable, and can get to a rather large size. Filter options have been provided such that a user can filter based on any of the headers, or specify a text string directly, for quick tag location.  Item 4: New Device Selection

When creating a new tag, you can select the 'New Tag' option at the top right of the screen.  This will navigate you to the new tag page, and will allow you to configure a new tag.  Item 5: Export / Import

Selecting the '...' at the top right of the list page will allow you to export all the tags or a single tag.  This is useful for migrations, and redundant applications.  Import is still within the Beta testing, but will be released under the Beta phase for v1.0.0.

5.2.2 The Tag Detail Page

The tag detail page can be reached by selecting a tag's navigation link.  The tag detail page contains basic information about the settings applied the device instance.  It also contains some live features available to help in troubleshooting.  Item 1: Basic Details

The basic details of the tag are listed at the top.  

  • Name: The name character string given for the tag
  • Description: The description character string given for the tag  Item 2: Manage the Tag

Located at the top right of the basic details pane, there are two (2) icon options for the device.  

Cog: Change/Update the current basic settings, Name and the Description of the tag.

Trash Can: Delete the tag, see also <Deleting a Tag> for more details associated with deleting an active tag.  Item 3: Enable / Disable

A tag can be enabled or disabled.  

  • Enable: Adds the tag to the execution schedule.  The associated device and protocol must also be enabled for the tag to execute.  
  • Disable: Removes the tag from the execution schedule.  Item 4: Live Data

The live data panel will be active and updating when a tag is enabled.  Item 5: Quick Trend

The quick trend details a short window of historical data.  The default quick trend is set to 5-minutes, but is selectable between 1 Minute, to 1 Hour.  An expanded view of the trend is also available from the quick trend pane.  Item 6 Tag Configuration

The configuration pane specifies the tagging details in relation to its associated device, and/or device set.  The details shown in this section will vary based on the protocol type.  Item 7 Cross Reference 

The cross reference pane details any system connection that is made for the tag.  The cross reference is also a quick link that will navigate you to that system reference.  Valid system connections for tags are model inputs and outputs.  Item 8  Tag Mapping

The tag mapping pane details internal tag mappings.  Tag mappings can be use for binding outputs tags to system data points, (i.e. system heartbeat, etc.).  Tag mapping can also be used to pass an input tag directly to an output tag, creating a data bridge between two devices.