Adding a Device
  • 26 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
  • Dark

Adding a Device

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Article summary

Create a Device

As a Device is created, there are a few generic Values that all Devices can have, regardless of type.

  • Name
    Name of the Tag
  • Description
    Description of the Tag
  • Protocol
    The Protocol the Device will be using.
  • Scan Rate
    The rate at which the Data Collector scans a Device per second.

Advanced Settings

  • Keep Alive Attempts
    If a device repeatedly returns errors during scans, this will determine the number of attempts that KOIOS will make before timing out its connection. 
  • Timeout Scans
    The amount of scans KOIOS will wait before trying to reconnect to the device.

OPC-UA Settings

  • Timeout
    The amount of time Koios will wait for a response before it considers the connection to the Device as failed.
  • Server Endpoint
    The IP address of the Device. Typically, the communication protocol will be https:// or ocp.tcp://, but can vary. Address Structure: {Communication Protocol}://{Hostname}:{Port}
  • Security Mode
    The Device's Security Level. None implies no security, Sign implies a certificate is needed for the Device to take communications, and Sign and Encrypt requires the certificate, but also the Device will Encrypt the Message. (This will create another menu option for Security Policy)
  • Security Policy
    The method of Encryption your Device Uses.
  • User Token Type
    The Identity of Koios while interacting with the Device. If you choose "UserName" as your Token Type, you will be brought to a menu after you hit "Continue" to enter the User Credentials.

OPC-UA Warnings
Server Endpoint: The connection WILL NOT succeed if you do not include the Communication Protocol AND the Port with the IP address (i.e. opc.tcp://
User Token Type: While the Anonymous Token Type is supported, it is NOT recommended, as it provides no security, and there's no way to trace how data is altered by the Anonymous User.

Microsoft SQL Settings

  • Driver Name
    The name of the Driver that will be used to connect to your SQL Server Instance. Please see: SQL OBDC Driver Versions to ascertain what version of the OBDC (Open Database Connectivity) Driver you need for your version of Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Server Hostname
    The IP address of your SQL server machine.
  • Database Name
    The name of the Database you wish to pull a Value from.
  • Username
    To connect to a Database, a User must be supplied.
  • Password
    Password for the User.
  • Timeout
    The amount of time Koios will wait for a response before it considers the connection to the Device as failed.

SQL Server Warnings

Server Hostname: Do NOT supply a port number at the end of the IP address, The OBDC Driver accesses it's own port for connections. (i.e.
Username: You CANNOT use Windows Authentication to connect to a Database using Koios. If you need to create a new User, refer to: How to Create a SQL Database User
Password: If your Password has expired, please sign into your management software and update the Password from there. You are UNABLE to from Koios.

SOAP Settings

  • Device Type
    Currently, the only supported Device Type is the Resource Data Manager (RDM), which is an Embedded Web Server (EWS)
  • Hostname
    The IP address of the SOAP Device
  • Timeout
    The amount of time Koios will wait (in seconds) for a response before it considers the connection to the Device as failed.

RDM Settings

  • Username
    The Username of the User. Ensure this user has install permissions so Koios can write to the Tags.
  • Password
    Password of the User.
  • Web Authentication
    A extra layer of security that will be set on a RDM device that forces a a Username and Password to be present when running certain commands. If the Device has this feature enabled, it needs to be enabled in Koios.


SOAP Warnings
Hostname: Do NOT supply SOAP with a port, put only the raw IP address (i.e.


Ethernet/IP Settings

  • Hostname
    The IP address of the Ethernet/IP Device.
  • Device Type
    The Communication Sub-Protocol to use for the Tags.
  • Connection Timeout
    The amount of time (in seconds) Koios will wait for a response before it considers the connection to the Device as failed.

ControlLogix Settings

  • Controller Slot
    The slot that the Device sits on the Controller (This is typically labeled on the controller itself).

Ethernet/IP Warnings
Ethernet/IP Hostname: Do NOT supply Ethernet/IP with a port, put only the raw IP address (i.e.