Device Set Detail
  • 26 Aug 2024
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Device Set Detail

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Article summary

Device Set Detail Page

The device set detail page can be reached by selecting a set device's navigation link. The device set detail page contains basic information about the settings applied the Device Set, as well as the Device Hierarchy and primary device instance.

Device Status Bar

The primary function of the Device Status Bar is to show the current state of the Device

See: Events Introduction for more information about Device Statuses 

Priority List

Device sets have a hierarchy of Devices. In the event the highest working Device in the hierarchy fails, Koios will read/write to the next Device working in the list.

Before Device Fail:

After Device Fail:

General Settings

Takes you to the Device Set Update page. These are general settings for the Device Set, upon clicking "Update General Settings" you are able to update the Name of the Device Set and its Description.

Dropdown Menu

  • Settings
    • General
           Takes you to the Device Set Update page.
  • Quick add
    • Add Device To Set
           Allows you to add more Devices to your current Device Set
    • Add Tag
           Takes you the the Tag Create page. See: Tag Create and Tag Create Page {link it here}
  • Actions
    • Delete
           Deletes your currently selected Device

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