3.4 Device Timeouts
  • 23 Sep 2022
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3.4 Device Timeouts

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Article summary

3.4 Device Timeouts

Device timeouts are set at the basic configuration level for each device at the time the device is created.  This means that timeout settings are set globally for all devices associated with the protocol.  The device timeout is the length of time in seconds that if the KoiosLT system does not receive a healthy response will cause an error.

3.4.1 Understanding Device Timeouts

All devices are globally set at their respective protocol level for the number of retries, and the scan counts between retries, refer to section 2.2 Protocol Detail.  The timeout setting is set individually for each device.

All devices will attempt to reconnect after a timeout has occurred, for as long as the device instance is enabled.  Reconnection settings are set globally at the protocol level.  Timeout settings are set per device.

3.4.2 Monitoring a Failed Device

A failed device that is enabled, will continue to try and reconnect per its globally set protocol retry connection settings.  Monitoring and verifing the reconnection attempts can be seen from the device detail page, and from the registered events.  The below figure shows several failed retries, with a successful reconnection sequence.