Events Introduction
  • 22 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Events Introduction

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Article summary

Events Introduction

Device Status Bar

The primary function of the Status Bar is to show the current state of the Device or Tag

  • A Green bar with "Connection Successful"
    the Device is connected to KOIOS.
  • A Red bar that says "Failed"
    the Device or Tag has ran into enough consecutive Overscans for it to be considered to be in an errored state, and will display information relating to the error the scans are running into (I.E. "Could not open a connection to SQL server").
  • A Gray bar with "Stopped"
    the Device has been manually turned off by clicking on the status bar and toggling the Device off.
  • A White bar with "Starting"
    Indicates that a Device or Tag has been turned enabled, but the Data Collector is either disabled.
  • A Blue bar
     Indicates that the Device is a System Tag.

Status Badges

The status badge is updated based on the current state of the tag. There are three states of a tag.

  • : The Tag has failed. (Check the Event logs to see what error has occurred)
  • : The Tag is currently running with no errors.
  • : The Tag is disabled.
  • : The Tag is starting up. (This also can mean the Tag is ON, but the Data Collector has been stopped.)
  • : The Tag is Enabled, but the Parent Device has been disabled.
  •  in the name of the Tag: This will denote a System tag.