Linux - Ubuntu
  • 13 Jun 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Dark

Linux - Ubuntu

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Article summary

System Requirements

The Koios docker image is currently available for Linux and Windows OS systems running docker engine or docker desktop.

Installing Docker

To make it so you can run docker without sudo

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Minimum System Requirements:

  • x64 CPU Architecture with minimum of 2 Cores
    • Call for custom x32, or AARCH64 Architecture implementations (RPI, etc.)
  • 4 GB of RAM
  • 128 GB of Storage
  • Linux OS
  • An Internet connection is initially required to pull the docker container image
  • The host machine for the docker image must not use port 443 for other server(s) such as apache, or nginx.  The docker image of the KoiosLT will need to bind to the host machines Port 443, as seen in the below run commands, Running the KoiosLT Docker

All Koios Images will have the following features:

  • Ubuntu Server v22.04 LTS
  • Nginx
  • Postgresql
  • InfluxDB
  • Koios Software and Services

Do I need a License?

  • Yes, the docker image of the KoiosLT is a licensed product, refer to the Licensing the Docker Image section below.

Pulling the KoiosLT Image

The docker image is hosted by Ai-Ops on our public container repository.  One the above steps have been completed, you are now ready to pull the docker container using the following command.

Login for Private Access

Login to azure cli using command below with your username and customer_key as the password

az acr login --name --username MyToken --password xxxxxxxxxx

In order to request a username, and customer_key/password, please contact

Using Docker to Pull the Koios Image

pull the image you want to with the command below and tag it as

docker pull<version>

Loading Koios from a tar file [Optional]

Do docker load < koios_v<version>.tar then tag the image directly using the hash from docker image ls where the tag command is docker image tag $HASH

Linux Docker Service

Enable docker as a service with

sudo systemctl enable docker.service 
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service
Create the file docker.koios.service, and insert the script below.  The service file should be located at /etc/systemd/system/docker.koios.service

Description=Ai-Ops, Koios Docker Run Service
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker stop %n
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm %n
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name=%n --network host --mount source=koios_data_postgres,target=/var/lib/postgresql/16/main \
                                                          --mount source=koios_data_influxdb,target=/root/.influxdbv2 \
                                                          --mount source=koios_media,target=/var/www/koios/media\
                                                          --mount source=koios_logs,target=/var/www/koios/logs \
                                                          --mount source=koios_certs,target=/var/www/koios/certs \
                                                          --mount source=koios_license,target=/var/www/koios/license \
                                                          --stop-timeout 60 \
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop %n

Run of the Koios Container

During the initial run of the Koios, the persisted database will need to be constructed.  Once the database build is completed the user interface will be available via a web browser.

To enable the Koios service now do 

sudo systemctl enable docker.koios.service

To start the Koios Service

sudo service docker.koios.service start

To check the status of the Koios Service

service docker.koios.service status

To stop the Koios Service

sudo service docker.koios.service stop

Logging Into the Koios

Once the container is running, to login to the Koios, open a modern web browser on the same network as the Host device, and from the URL search bar, type: 

https://<ip address of host device>

Default Login

  • username: admin
  • password: koios

Requesting a License

If requesting a license file for the first time.  Go to the Koios License Portal