1.1 What is KoiosLT?
  • 03 Oct 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
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1.1 What is KoiosLT?

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Article summary

1.1 What Is KoiosLT

KoiosLT is a Linux-based, cross-platform software, that allows real-time industrial data to be used for closed-loop execution of machine learning models.  It has built in safe guards and features associated with each machine learning model being executed so that the downstream control system is always aware of what is going on with the models and the model results.  The KoiosLT can be integrated into nearly any existing control system vendor's platform with little to no modification on the existing system using its tightly integrated industrial protocol and communication tagging system.

1.1.1 The System Platform

The below figure details the basic block diagram and concept behind the software and its functionality.