Tag List
  • 22 Aug 2024
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Tag List

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Article summary

Understanding the List Page

When looking at the Tag List page, there are details shown on the page that make it easy to establish the current state and status of each Tag.

Tag Item

Each row represents a different created Tag, showing basic information about each.

  1. The Tag Name
  2. Identifier from the Parent Device
  3. Parent Device's Name
  4. Parent Device's Protocol
  5. Current Value of the Tag, or last Value read by KOIOS before encountering a error
  6. Time since the last Value was read

Status Badges

Click this link to see an overview of the Status Badges: Status Badges

Filter Button

The filter button allows you to sort and search for Tags that meet certain criteria.

  • Name contains
    Searches names of Devices
  • Description contains
    Searches descriptions of Devices
  • Device
    Filters by the selected Parent Device
  • Status
    Filters by a Tag's status (Stopped, Running, and Failed)
  • Usage
    Filters by the Tag's Usage type (Input or Output)
  • System
    Filters by if the Tag is a System Tag
  • Ordering
    sort alphabetically by either Device name or Protocol name

Dropdown menu

This Menu contains extended options for the created Devices.

  1. Actions
    1. Create Tag
      Takes you to the Tag Create Page
  2. Bulk Actions
    1. Enable All
      Enables all Tags
    2. Disable All
      Disables all Tags
  3. Backup
    Functions to be used in the event of transferring to a new machine 
    1. Export Tags
      Exports chosen Tags as a .csv
    2. Export All Tags
      Exports all Tags as a .csv
    3. Import Tags
      Import Tags from a .csv

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